Attaining Nirvana

Nirvana for All

Table of Contents


This book “Attaining Nirvana” is about Nirvana or complete eradication of suffering of living beings, that Buddha gained more than 2500 years ago. Buddha taught the path to eradication of suffering or the path to Nirvana following which many people have gained Nirvana over these years. Even now, and in future too, anybody can attain Nirvana by following Buddha’s teachings or Dhamma. read more

Author’s Note

I, Milind Lokde and my friend, Bhushan Gawai have been devising a way to remember the Buddhist teachings so that everyone can practice them easily. We made it into a book so that everyone can benefit from our experience read more

Part-I : Practice

This part teaches us the fundamentals of buddhism and provides us a chart to make it’s daily practice simple. As we progress higher It is important that we work on our daily habits and practices.

Part-II : Insight

This part tells us, Why it is important to Attain Nirvana? What are the core teachings of Buddhism? How it is different than others? The handy Insight Chart provided in this part help you remember these core teachings.

Part-III : Nirvana and You

This part provides you tools that keeps you encouraged, answers frequently asked questions and provides a self assessment of your progress.

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About Us

Hello, I am Milind Lokde. I work in It department of Indian Railways. I followed Buddhism since childhood, did Buddhist meditations and read many books on Buddhism. Having a scientific outlook, Nirvana always intrigued and fascinated me and made me question, whether Nirvana is real and whether it can be achieved by anyone. Over these years I realised that I need to practice only those minimum aspects of Buddhism that lead to Nirvana. This book was created initially as a guide for us to practice.

Hello, I am Bhushan Gawai. I am a Chemical Engineer and currently working as a Lead Programmer in Mumbai based firm.  Like Milind, I have followed Buddhism all my life. I have done many Vipassana Meditation Courses. After one of these courses, Milind suggested that we note down the Buddhist teaching and meditations that are required for Attaining Nirvana so that we can follow them regularly. After following these notes for few months we realised that this can be of help to many people. That is how this book was created.

After writing this book on Nirvana, we started a blog Mind can Matter to answer some more questions on Science, Consciousness, Time Travel, Aliens, etc. Together we have published paper on Time Travel giving laws of Time Travel and simplified formula for Lorentz Transformation Factor and Gravitational Time Dilation. It can be read here and here.